

Depression Therapist in Frederick, MD

From Dr. Mannis' perspective the treatment of depression is very interesting and challenging. Depression is frequently the result of an unconscious withholding of feelings. That is to say the individual has suppressed, denied, or repressed issues that have arisen in their life. This may be from a childhood trauma or from the struggles of adult living.

The basic therapeutic treatment for depression is to help the individual to become consciously aware of either the trauma or the conflict that has been internalized without their knowledge. Once these issues are allowed to surface and to be faced, they become far less toxic to the individual. These issues may surface by way of dreams, or deep feelings, or from recovered memories.

Through a non-judgmental dialogue with Dr. Mannis of Frederick, MD, these issues are felt, talked about, and eventually exteriorized, to the satisfaction and relief of the patient. Quite often finding and championing one's authentic voice, goes a long way in the remediation of depression and its symptomology.